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 Let's see who has the sharpest Eyes How many 3 can you find below???? 8888888388888388888888888888888888888888888883888888883888888838888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8388888838888888388838883838388888888888883888888888888888888888888888888888888388 #lookschallenge

3 things only university class reps will understand ( university and college life)

Course rep, take a good look at this 3 Things Only  university class Reps Will Understand 1. Most of the numbers on your phone are not saved. You may think you are so close to your class rep, but do you know your contact ain't saved on his phone? Course reps finds it hard saving numerous numbers of students who calls for differs questions. One thing that annoys course rep at times are things like this; You know yourself that lecturer you ought to have at that time or period is absent and which your course rep may have addressed you. You will then go to him again asking this type of question "Are we going" , "should we go or not " And more of that kind. On that morning you will wake up and then carry your phone with low battery warnings to call your course rep and you will be like "Coursy, do we have lecture at all…" , course rep, do we suppose to have lecture on Monday morning sef. Lol.. Chaiii So, when you might have done all that

natural ways of passing exams easily ( pass waec 2020)

I don't want to start telling you stories when we have not started with the main reason why we are here  which is "natural ways of passing exams easily"